Contacting Us

The best way to get more information is by visiting us for a tour on an open evening where we can answer all your questions in person.

If you’ve read our FAQs and still have questions, or if you questions are more specific, please email – [email protected]

Visit Us


Is your open evening on tonight?

Please check our instagram or calendar for the most up to date information.

I only need to use one tool for an hour, can I just pay to come in for a day?

Sorry, our space is community run and membership-based. Our facilities are only available to our members, and cannot be hired or used on a one-off basis.

I need to finish my project ASAP! Can I join and start working immediately?

Before you can use the space, you need to come to an open evening and take a tour. You can then become a member if you want to.

Some of our equipment also requires you to undertake a safety induction before you can use it. These inductions are run by volunteers in their spare time, and can take a little while to arrange (a couple of weeks/months at times). Because of this, we might not be best choice if you need immediate use of the facilities.

Can you fix my things?

This is not a service we aim to provide. Occasionally our members take on small jobs for nonprofits who want a little thing making for a modest fee. Your best bet is finding a repair cafe.